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FM discusses evolving trends in global trade, impact of trade measures at panel session in Doha Forum

Diplomatic Correspondent,
  10 Dec 2023, 21:47

Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen on Sunday attended a high-level panel session on ‘Nearshoring and Friendshoring-- Changing Priorities in Global Trade’ at the Doha Forum that began in Doha, Qatar.

Momen discussed the evolving trends in global trade, the impact of trade measures, and redrawing the supply chain routes as well as focused on the gains.

He also highlighted Bangladesh's achievements in vaccination efforts both during and before the Covid-19 pandemic.

Earlier, he attended the grand opening ceremony of the Forum which was inaugurated by Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the Amir of the State of Qatar.

Heads of States and governments, Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, Foreign Ministers and other senior Ministers, as well as policy makers, private sector and civil society representatives from around the world are attending the two-day Forum.

The Foreign Minister is leading a five- member Bangladesh delegation at the Doha Forum at the invitation of the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman bin Jashim- Al Thani, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This is the 21st edition of the Doha Forum with the theme: ‘Building Shared futures.’ Held annually, the Forum brings together global policy makers, government leaders, private sector representatives, civil society and non- governmental organizations to discuss global challenges promoting dialogue and diplomacy for diverse issues facing the world.

Momen also attended the lunch hosted by the State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Qatar in honor of the Foreign Ministers attending the program.

Besides, Nepalese Foreign Minister Narayan Prakash Saud called on the Foreign Minister and exchanged views on issues of mutual interests between the two countries.



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