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‘Missed Midterm’ at finance dept

800 DU students face uncertainty

English Desk
  29 May 2023, 11:59

The finance department at Dhaka University did not grant any marks to approximately 800 students from four batches who skipped one of two midterm examinations.

Students reported on December 5 last year, they had asked the department chairman and course instructor to reschedule the exams scheduled on December 6.

"We requested due to safety concerns, as a large number of people were expected to attend the Chhatra League's central council meeting on campus," said a student who requested anonymity.

They said only five second-year students attended the exams on December 6

The authorities published the midterm results this month, where around 800 students from all four sessions were absent. This implies that the marks allocated to that exam will not be added to their Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) at the end of the semester.

The department prepares the final results based on two midterms exams of 15 marks each, a term paper and a presentation of 10 marks and a semester final exam of 60 marks.

Students said usually, the authorities of different departments retake mid-term exams if a large number of students are absent.

Even though almost all students requested the authorities to reschedule the exam date, the finance department refused. However, on May 8, the department rescheduled a midterm exam for final-year students because the course instructor forgot to prepare the question paper.

According to another student who requested anonymity, the exam was rescheduled less than a half-hour prior to the scheduled start time.

"We approached our course instructors multiple times, who suggested that we approach the department chair since exams are scheduled centrally. However, he refused," he added.

This newspaper contacted three course teachers -- Hussain Ahmed Enamul Huda, Rashik Amin and Kazi Golam Rabbani Mowla -- all of whom refused to make any comments on the matter and asked this correspondent to contact Prof Jahangir Alam Chowdhury, chairman of the Department of Finance.

Contacted, Prof Jahangir, refused to comment on the matter as well and said, "You can write whatever you want."

"The university's departments are independent bodies that are free to decide on matters such as holding examinations. I don't interfere in such issues," said DU Vice Chancellor Prof Akhtaruzzaman.

"However, I believe that when making any decision, we should consider the convenience of students. It is our duty as educators," stated the VC.


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