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Saturday, 27 July, 2024

‘Time for Bangladesh to diversify export basket to UK’

Bangladesh high commissioner to UK says in meeting with FBCCI president
Diplomatic Correspondent,
  27 Nov 2023, 21:08
Saida Muna Tasneem, Bangladeshi high commissioner to the UK Photo: Collected

Bangladesh should analyse which products now have high demand in the United Kingdom and diversify the export basket to boost shipments to the kingdom, said Saida Muna Tasneem, Bangladeshi high commissioner to the UK.

The diplomat highlighted the importance of utilising the 'China Plus One' policy, explore opportunities and export diverse products, including fruits like pineapples and various agricultural goods.

She spoke in a meeting with Mahbubul Alam, president of the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI), at the Bangladesh high commission in London on November 26.

Bangladesh exported goods worth over $5.5 billion to the UK last year and around 91 percent of it were garment items, Tasneem said.

Various types of products, including textiles, fisheries and bicycles, are also exported to the UK, but the amount is very low, the high commissioner said.

Bangladesh is working on identifying products other than garment items that can be exported to the UK, said the FBCCI president.

Alam led a delegation to the dialogue where they discussed the diversification of Bangladesh's export goods to the UK and export of skilled manpower.

He also stressed the importance of reducing dependence on the garment sector and exploring opportunities in agricultural products, leather and jute goods, flowers and fruits.

He also urged the entrepreneurs to contribute to the export diversification.



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