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Chief Justice urges to highlight Bangladesh’s image across the world

Shahid Mobasher, from Washington DC (March 31)
  04 Apr 2024, 00:58
Fobana Chairperson Mohammad Alamgir welcomes Chief Justice of Bangladesh Obaidul Hasan with wreath

Visiting Chief Justice of Bangladesh Obaidul Hasan said there is only one state of Bengali nation in the world - Bangladesh. It is the responsibility of all of us to raise this dear country to a high status across the world. And expatriate Bengalis can play a leading role in this work.

The Chief Justice of Bangladesh said these at a civic reception in Falls Church of Virginia on Thursday evening, March 28th. The reception was organized at the residence of Mohammad Alamgir, the chairperson of this year's Fobana Conference to be held in Virginia in the last week of August this year.

The Chief Justice said Bangladesh is moving forward despite the ongoing economic recession all over the world. The per capita income of the people of the country has increased. The behavior, work and determination of expatriate Bengalis will prove that Bangladesh is on the right track. And this is how the country should be properly presented in the world.

"Protecting freedom is more difficult than achieving it" - Chief Justice Obaidul Hasan said, referring to this saying of the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahma. Since the birth of the country, we have had two types of problems. One of them is that the United States government had opposed the independence of Bangladesh. The comments made by then U.S foreign minister about Bangladesh have been proven false today. And the second thing is that the number of those who opposed our independence from within the country has decreased but it has not ended even today.

Referring to the fact that "Political personalities are powerful people", Chief Justice Hasan said that it is very difficult to move the country forward in a divided political society. He said, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu's daughter is taking the country forward through many adverse conditions with her full sincerity. "I think the country can be taken forward if the diaspora supports the positive actions of the government and lends a helping hand," he added.

Reminding the sense of moral responsibility towards everyone’s native land, he urged the expatriates to think about the welfare of the country and move the country forward.

Bangladesh Attorney General AM Amin Uddin, who was present at the event, said that Bangladesh is no longer a bottomless basket, but a basket full to the brim. Referring to the solution to the passenger service problem at the airports, he said that the adequate facilities provided by Bangladesh according to its standards are one of the world's best. The highest law officer of the government urged the expatriate Bengalis to highlight the comprehensive development of the country with these opportunities in countries worldwide.

Advocate Mohammad Alamgir, chairperson of FOBANA, praised the competent leadership of Chief Justice Obaidul Hasan and expressed hope that the development of the judiciary will continue under his leadership. Later he handed over the official invitation letter to Chief Justice Obaidul Hasan as Chief Guest and Attorney General AM Amin Uddin as Special Guest to attend the upcoming Fobana Conference.

Supreme Court's High Court Division Justice Fahmida Quader, former District and Session Judge Maqbool Ahsan, Chancellor of Washington University of Science and Technology Abubakar Hanip, former Head of Voice of America Bangla Division Rokeya Haider, President of Dhaka University Alumni Forum Inc. (DUAFI) Qayyum Khan, University of Maryland Professor Dr. Faisal Quader, cultural organization Dhrupad President Hiron Chowdhury, leaders of various social and cultural organizations were present on the occasion.

It may be mentioned here that Chief Justice, with the invitation of U.S. Department of Justice, is leading a delegation of Attorney General AM Amin Uddin, Supreme Court’s High Court Division Judge Sheikh Hasan Arif, Law Secretary Golam Sarwar and officials of both Bangladesh Supreme Court and Ministry of Law on educational visit on Sentencing Guidelines held in Washington DC on Wednesday. The delegation returned home on Saturday.


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